Thursday, 27 January 2022

Nomad Residence Permit

Nomad Residence Permit

The Nomad Residence Permit has recently been introduced for Non-EU nationals who wish to move to Malta temporarily whilst working remotely. This option allows applicants to continue working for a company based abroad whilst legally residing in Malta. The Nomad Residence Permit is designed for digital nomads who can be employed with a company which is based overseas, run their own business or provide freelance services to clients outside of Malta. Applicants who wish to apply for this incentive must be third country nationals who prove that they are able to work remotely. This incentive allows third country nationals to join the already thriving community of European digital nomads in Malta. A Nomad Residence Permit holder may travel within the Schengen Area without the need of a visa as long as the permit is valid.The applications shall be handled by Residency Malta Agency.

Main requirements: 

The following criteria must be met in order to be eligible for this permit:

  • Have a contract of work with an employer registered in a foreign country; OR
  • Conduct business activities for a company registered in a foreign country and of which applicant is partner/shareholder; OR
  •  Offer freelance or consulting services, mostly to clients whose permanent establishments are in a foreign country, and with whom the applicant has contracts.

Applicants must also:

  • Hold a valid travel document;
  • Have health insurance covering risks in Malta;
  • Hold a valid rental agreement or property deed for a property in Malta;
  • Pass a background verification check;
  • Reach a gross monthly income threshold of €2,700 in addition to a 20% of the median wage for each family member. Family members include:

  1. the spouse of the main applicant in a monogamous marriage or in another relationship having the same or a similar status to marriage, including a civil union, domestic partnership, common law marriage, provided that for the purpose of these regulations, the term “spouse” shall be gender neutral, and saving the CEO of Residency Malta Agency’s discretion to authorise, on a case-by-case basis, other relationships having a similar status as aforesaid;
  2. a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse who, at the time of application, is less than eighteen (18) years of age;
  3. a child, including an adopted child, of the main applicant or of his spouse, who at the time of application is over eighteen (18) years of age, is not married, and who proves, to the satisfaction of the Agency that at the time of application he is principally dependent on the main applicant.

Submission of Applications

The required documents for the application are collected. The application together with the required supporting documents is submitted to the Agency by email. Instructions to pay the administrative fee of €300 per applicant are received. The Agency will review the application and background checks will be carried out by the authorities. The application should be processed within 30 days following receipt of all required documentation. Once the process is complete, an email will be sent by the Agency. If the application is successful, the applicant will be invited to proceed to Malta following the instructions on the approval letter in order to finalise the application.

Depending on the country of issuance of the applicant’s passport, successful applicants may be issued with a National Visa valid for 90 days – 180 days, depending on their intention of duration of stay. By means of the National Visa, the applicant may enter and reside in Malta for the duration of the Visa issued. Non-EU nationals who do not require a Visa to enter Malta may proceed to Malta immediately after receiving an approval letter by Residency Malta Agency, following guidelines on the mentioned approval letter and as instructed by Central Visa Unit at Identity Malta Agency. A National Visa of 90 days – 180 days may be issued depending on the applicant’s intention of duration of stay.

Should the applicant decide to prolong his stay further than the duration of the Visa issued, he/she may finalise the process of application for a Nomad Residence Permit by submitting in person his/her biometric features and documentation. This must be done in person at the Residency Malta Agency’s offices.

Apart from applicable professional fees, the below government costs apply:

Administrative fee (main applicant) – €300
Administrative fee (per dependant) – €300
Residence permit fee (main applicant) – €27.50
Residence permit fee (per dependant) – €27.50

Fees are not refundable and exclude visa-related fees.

For further information about Malta residenceor citizenship feel free to contact us on +35622030000 or send us an email on


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